Other Attractions Abeno Harukas あべのハルカス Priority Rank Cost free Abeno Harukas is one of Japan's tallest skyscrapers. It's observation deck is called "Harukas 300" and occupies the building's top thr... Detail Page
Japanese Castles Bitchu Matsuyama Castle 備中松山城 Priority Rank Cost Bitchu Matsuyama Castle is one of only twelve remaining original Japanese Castles. Furthermore it is the oldest surviving original cas... Detail Page
Japanese Castles Fukuchiyama Castle 福知山城 Priority Rank Cost Oda Nobunaga ordered one of his generals, Akechi Mitsuhide, to build Fukuchiyama Castle (in Japanese; Fukichiyama Jyou 福知山�... Detail Page
Shopping Malls Grand Front Osaka グランフロント大阪 Priority Rank Cost free Opened in 2013 the Grand Front Osaka (in Japanese; Gurando Furonto Osaka グランフロント大阪) is a popular commercial center n... Detail Page
Japanese Castles Himeji Castle 姫路城 Priority Rank Cost Himeji Castle is one of the top 3 premier castles in Japan along with Matsumoto Castle and Kumamoto Castle and one of the twelve origi... Detail Page
Japanese Castles Ikeda Castle 池田城 Priority Rank Cost free The area in and around Ikeda Castle was always in involved in battles and struggles for power. Ikeda Noriyori built a fortification he... Detail Page
Japanese Castles Kishiwada Castle 岸和田城 Priority Rank Cost Founded in 1597 (over the remains of previous fortifications), Kishiwada Castle (in Japanese; Kishiwada Jyou 岸和田城) was or... Detail Page
Japanese Castles Matsue Castle 松江城 Priority Rank Cost Matsue Castle, in Matsue city in western Japan on the coast of the Sea of Japan, is one of the 12 original castles remaining in Japan.... Detail Page
Nature Mino Park 箕面公園 Priority Rank Cost free The "Meiji No Mori Minou Quasi-National Park" (in Japanese; Minou Koen 明治の森箕面国定公園) is a valley-forest in the outsk... Detail Page
Area Nanba なんば Priority Rank Cost free "Nanba" (In English usually spelled "Namba" but actually should be spelled with an "n" as the correct pronunciation is Nanba, in Japan... Detail Page
Theaters National Bunraku Theater 国立文楽劇場 Priority Rank Cost free Opened in 1984 The National Bunraku Theater (in Japanese; Kokuritsu Bunraku Gekijyou 国立文楽劇場) is one of the many traditiona... Detail Page
Museums National Museum of Art in Osaka 国立国際美術館 Priority Rank Cost The National Art Museum of Osaka (in Japanese; Kokuritsu Bijitsukan 国立国際美術館) is found in central Osaka where it showcase... Detail Page