Advertise on SnapJapan.com, a leading destination and travel guide for Japan. If your interesting in advertising on SnapJapan.com, please Contact Us.
SnapJapan.com の広告掲載のご案内。
Currently we offer these types of Ad opportunities:
- Banner Ads バナー広告
- Lodging Ads ホテル広告
- Article Ads 記事広告 (又はタイアップ広告)
- In Article Ads 記事内広告
- Note: At this time we do not offer Affiliate Ad services
ノート: 現在はアフィリエイト広告サービスはしてません
We also offer Content Production Services:
Banner Ads
Banner Ads are image ads that link to where you choose. You choose a "Zone" (see below) and the "URL Density" (see explanation below) and pay by the month.
プロモーションの内容と関連性のページを選んでバナーを掲載できます。バナーリンクで、弊社の英語サイトへ誘導することできます。ゾーン(下記のイメージ "Zone Positions" にゾーンエリア見えます)選んで、ページ選んで、お問合せください。バナー広告は月付お支払額です。
- Zones - Please review the "Zone Positions" images below, you can easily see what "Zones" we offer.
- URL Density - "URL Density" means, "how many URLs the ad will show on". Ads can be set to show throughout the entire website, a section of the website or even just a sub-section of the website. The more URLs or URL Density, the greater the cost.
- Example 1 (high URL Density): "I want my ad(s) to show on all the Lodging pages, city doesn't matter."
- Example 2 (med. URL Density): "I want my ad(s) to show only on the Lodging > Tokyo pages."
- Example 3 (low URL Density): "I want my ad(s) to show only on the Lodging > Tokyo > Shinjuku pages."
- Basic Rules - We ONLY accept file type .jpg for ads. Your ad on SnapJapan.com will link to your website or any other link you specify.
- Cost - Banner Ads are paid monthly. The cost is determined by the Zone and URL Density.
バナー広告料金 - 掲載費は各ページによって異なるため、具体的な費用はお問合せください。必要であれば、ネイティブ英語でバナー制作のサービスもあります。
Zone Positions
Page Types
Example 例
Page Types
Attractions, Lodging, Businesses
Example 例
Page Types
Travel Logs, Top 5, Itineraries, Regular Pages
Example 例
Zone Ad Sizes
Zone ゾーン |
Ad Size (in pixels) 広告サイズ(ピクセル) |
1 | 1600x150 | 900x200 | 300x250 |
2 | 900x200 | 900x200 | 300x250 |
3 | 900x200 | 900x200 | 300x250 |
4 | 300x250 | 900x200 | 300x250 |
5 | 300x250 | 900x200 | 300x250 |
6 | 900x200 | 900x200 | 300x250 |
Contact Us about placing a Banner Ad on SnapJapan.com

Lodging Ad Example
Lodging Ads
Example: Example 例
Lodging Ads occupy the area on "Attraction" pages under the heading "Hotels & Lodging", See the image and placement (Red box that says, "Lodging Ad") of where your ad will show. The are very economical ads that can show on many pages and drive traffic to your website.
These ads also use the "Monthly Fee" model. These ads will show above normal lodging businesses with a larger image, a title and short description.
サービス内容と関連性のあるページにホテル広告を掲載できます。掲載する地域やサービス内容に興味を持ったユーザーに対してダイレクトな訴求が可能です。掲載場所は "Lodging Ad Example" の画像や例のリンクを見てください。ホテル広告は月付お支払額です。
Contact Us about placing a Lodging Ad on SnapJapan.com

Article Ad Example
Article Ads
Example: Example 例
An Article Ad is a full page on SnapJapan.com that introduces your business/area or just talks about your business/area in a casual way (passive Content Marketing). It can include text, images and video. This Article Ad can be linked to from other parts of SnapJapan, put in our menu or even an image/link from the front page. The cost of an Article Ad can vary greatly as different factors decide the final cost (how many links to it, visibility, in menu, etc.). Article Ads are the most powerful Ad offered on SnapJapan and we are ready to discuss and tailor a solution that fits your budget.
If you need us to create a native English article for you we also offer Article Production and even Video Production services.
Contact Us about placing an Article Ad on SnapJapan.com

In Article Ads
In Article ads are ads that flow with and relate to the content on the page. View the image to see an example of where text can be placed. They can be as long as you like and have as many pictures as you like. Note that generally In Article ads are about a paragraph, anything longer and you might want to consider a regular Article Ad. You send us the content and we place your "In Article" ad on the page(s) you request. Once we receive your content we will make sure it is aligned with the goal of our website and give you a quote for cost depending on how many URLs you would like to place the ad.
If you need us to create a native English In Article for you we also offer Article Production and even Video Production services.
Contact Us about placing an In Article Ad on SnapJapan.com
Article Production

Article Creation 記事制作
Standard Article - A Native English speaking writer/photo journalist will visit and create an article about your business. The article will contain images shot at your location. This article will be published on SnapJapan along with links to the article from related source content. We offer a "Short Version" which is 500-700 words and 5-8 photos or a "Full Version" which is 1,000 - 1,250 words and 6-10 photos.
Specific Target Audience Influence - This could be an Instagram Story or a short "VLog" video created by a popular or semi-popular Influencer. We will work with you and target/choose the right promotional medium for your marketing strategy. For Example; If you are a "Figure" shop in Nakano Broadway and want a specific target audience to see your content we will hire an influencer that has sway with "Figure" hobbyist. Then we will work with that Influencer to create content that promotes your business.
Contact Us about Article Production.
Video Production

Video Production 動画制作
We can produce a video with a Native English speaking host/hostess to promote your business. You will work together with you to suggest the best type of production that will fit your needs. Our Parent Company, TheDreamChest.com and it's video production site iLiveCreative.com has been producing videos and even Broadcast TV shows (in the US and Japan) for over 20 years. The final video can be placed on SnapJapan, your own website and YouTube for the best possible reach. Depending on your budget we can even hire semi-famous and famous talent to help reach a lot of viewers.
Video has become one of the best and most accessed forms of media on the internet. A well produced video can promote and stay relevant for years to come if produced correctly.
Contact Us about Video Production.
Graphic Design
グラフィックデザイン (バナー広告、ロゴなど)
If you don't have an In-House graphic designer for your Ad, we can provide graphic design service for you. If you will be purchasing Ad space on SnapJapan the cost of our graphic design services will be done at a much lower rate.
Contact Us about Graphic Design.