The "Priority Rank" is our suggestion on what destinations & attractions are important or would be most interesting for visitors to see when visiting Japan. We set the "Priority Rank" higher for famous destinations & attractions (culture, history, etc.), popular destinations & attractions and destinations & attractions that are unique only to Japan. If you are a first time visitor to Japan, we suggest you try to visit our "Priority Rank - 5 star" attractions first, if you can.
Note that the "Priority Rank" is NOT, we repeat, NOT a rating of any sort. Destinations & attractions with a "Priority Rank - 1 Star" may be very popular with Japanese people and or X-Pats living in Japan but for a person visiting Japan the attraction is not all that special. A good example would be Tokyo Disneyland. Although Tokyo Disneyland is a fabulous place to visit if your Japanese or a foreigner living in Japan, there are many Disneylands around the world so it's not that high of a priority to visit it in Japan. On the other hand, Disney Sea is only in Japan and visitors to Japan will find it very interesting.
5 Stars - The most famous Japanese attractions (culture, history, etc.) and attractions that are unique only to Japan.
4 Stars - Famous Japanese attractions (culture, history, etc.) and attractions that are unique only to Japan but not the "Most Famous".
3 Stars - Interesting attractions that are definitely worth a look if you have some extra time.
2 Stars - Attractions that you may have similar at home but unique in a Japanese way.
1 Star - Destinations and or attractions that you may have similar at home (like shopping malls) but if it's close by and you have some extra time, might think about visiting.