Warei Taisai Festival & Uwajima Ushi-Oni Festival
Near: Matsuyama (Event is Free)
Event Date(s):
Jul. 21, 2025 • Jul. 22, 2025 • Jul. 23, 2025
Dates are subject to change without notice. Check with the official organizers before making travel arrangements.

This festival is in Ehime Prefecture on Shikoku in the city of Uwajima. The "Main Event" is the Warei Taisai Festival held on the evening of the 24th. On that evening, youths wade into the Sukagawa River and pick up "Mikoshi" (portable shrines) that have arrived on boats and carry them back to the Warei Shrine. When they reach the shrine they dance around bamboo poles and then climb these polls to grab good luck charms placed at the top. All the while Japanese Taiko drums are playing and on-lookers are cheering them on.

On the same day in the afternoon the Uwajima Ushi-Oni Festival is held. "Ushi-One" means Cow Ogre. What they do is build huge "Cow Ogre's" and parade around town danice and simulating fights. They also have many other attractions such as games, outdoor food stalls, dancing, live shows and fireworks. Finally they have "bull fighting" but not like "Spanish" bullfighting... two bulls actually fight each other. The "fight" is closely watched so no bulls get hurt and the fight is stopped when one bull gives up. The Warei Taisai Festival & Uwajima Ushi-Oni Festival is a fun three days of many events and attractions.

Uwajima, Ehime Japan

Website: Warei Taisai Festival & Uwajima Ushi-Oni Festival Homepage