Shrines Temples Meigetsu-in 明月院 Priority Rank Cost Meigetsu-in is a Rinzai Sect Zen Temple in Kamakura Japan. It was ordered built and founded by Uesugi Norikata of the powerful Uesugi ... Detail Page
Shrines Temples Naritasan 成田山新勝寺 Priority Rank Cost free Naritasan or the full name of Naritasan Shinshoji Temple (in Japanese; Naritasan Shinshouji, 成田山新勝寺) is a large Buddhist t... Detail Page
Shrines Temples Rinno-ji 輪王寺 Priority Rank Cost Note: The Sanbutsudo Temple (the main temple at the Rinnoji Complex) is under renovation until 2021 and has a massive building coverin... Detail Page
Shrines Temples Sukyo Mahikari 崇教真光本部 Priority Rank Cost free Sukyo Mahikari is a religion based out of Japan. It is considered a "New Religion" because is was founded fairly recently in 1959 by K... Detail Page
Shrines Temples Todai-ji 東大寺 Priority Rank Cost Statue of Koumokuten Todai-ji means Eastern Great Temple and is a Buddhist temple complex in Nara Japan. It was constructed in 752 as t... Detail Page
Shrines Temples Togakushi Shrine 戸隠神社 Priority Rank Cost free The Togakushi Shrine (in Japanese; Togakushi Jinja; 戸隠神社) is a Shinto shrine in Nagano Prefecture, Japan. It sits at the base ... Detail Page
Shrines Temples Toshogu Shrine 東照宮 Priority Rank Cost Toshogu Shrine (in Japanese; To Sho Gu Jinjya 東照宮), a Shinto Shrine, is the final resting place of Tokugawa Ieyasu, the founder ... Detail Page
Shrines Temples Tsurugaoka Hachimangu 鶴岡八幡宮 Priority Rank Cost free Although the big Buddha across town gets his picture taken a lot, Tsurugaoka Hachimangu is the most popular destination for tourists, ... Detail Page
Shrines Temples Yamadera 山寺 Priority Rank Cost Founded in 860 by the priest Jikaku Daishi (his posthumous name), Yamadera (Yama-dera or Yama Dera) Temple (in Japanese: 山寺, which... Detail Page
Shrines Temples Zeniarai Benzaiten Ugafuku Shrine 銭洗弁財天宇賀福神社 Priority Rank Cost Zeniarai Benzaiten Ugafuku Shrine (usually just referred to as Zeniarai Benzaiten) is a Shinto Shrine in Kamakura Japan. Its not a very ... Detail Page
Shrines Temples Zenko-ji 善光寺 Priority Rank Cost Zenko-ji is a Buddhist temple in Nagano, Japan. It is one of Japan's most important Buddhist temples because it stores the FIRST Buddh... Detail Page