
Attractions > Other Cities and Areas > Shrines Temples > Kamakura
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Looking at from inside the Meigetsu-in main temple to the garden

Meigetsu-in is a Rinzai Sect Zen Temple in Kamakura Japan. It was ordered built and founded by Uesugi Norikata of the powerful Uesugi clan as a memorial to his father and construction of the initial grounds were completed in 1383. The temple is most famous for two things, 1.) the blue Hydrangeas (in Japanese: Hime Ajisai or Princess Hydrangea) that bloom during rainy season (end of May till July) and 2.) the "Main Hall" or Hojo features a large "Round" window which looks out upon the garden. The garden itself is known for its irises and is open to visitors only during two periods of about two weeks per year: in June when the irises are in bloom, and in late November / early December. The temple also features a "Cave Tomb" dug into the side of the hill which was built hundreds of years ago.


Closest Train Station: Kita-Kamakura
189 Yamanouchi
Kamakura, Kanagawa 247-0062 Japan
Tel: 467-24-3437
Hotels & Lodging

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Hours & Fees

Hours: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm (8:30 am - 5:00 pm in June)
Cost: The general grounds of Shrines and Temples are free but may charge a small fee (a couple/few hundred yen) for special gardens, exhibitions, artifact viewing, etc.