Yosuko Ramen
Dining > Osaka > Ramen > Umeda
About | Access | Hotels & Lodging | Hours & Fees
This is a "Salt Based" Ramen but very subtle and light, not like some strong tasting Ramens you may have had. Eat this Ramen slowly and enjoy the light yet perfectly flavored taste they have to offer.
Closest Train Station: Osaka-Umeda
1-20 Kakudacho, Fukiya Building B1F
Kita-ku, Osaka 530-0017 Japan
Tel: 06-6312-6700
Hotels & Lodging
Hotel New Hanky...
Hilton Osaka Ho...
Hotel Granvia O...
The Ritz-Carlto...
View a full list of Hotels and Lodging in or nearby Yosuko Ramen.
Hours & Fees
Hours: Open from 10:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. (last order 10:45 p.m.); closed every second, fourth month of Thursday.