
Dining > Tokyo > Ramen > Tokyo Station
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Have you ever tried "Sapporo Style Miso Raman"? Well, you should! "Oshima" servers upr Sapporo-style Miso Ramen and you can't go wrong at this eatery. Oshima is owned by a young fellow who says he has more than a decade of soup-mixing experience. The greasy, yet "Oh So Good!", soup stays hot for ages under the layer of lard on top, so be careful when digging into this punchy mixture laced with ample amounts of garlic and ground ginger. Yes... thars a lot of calories in the "standard" version so worried about their waistline might want to choose the 'light' option.

Closest Train Station: Funabori
6-7-13 Funabori
Edogawa-Ku, Tokyo 1340091 Japan
Tel: 03-3680-2601
Go south-east from station, walk for 750 meters (9 minutes).
Hotels & Lodging

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Hours & Fees

Hours: Tue. - Sat. 11 a.m. - 3 p.m., 5 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.Sun. & Holidays 11 a.m. - 4 p.m., 5 p.m. - 8 p.m.Mon Closed