Hikone Castle

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Hikone Castle by 663highland (GNU Free)

Hikone Castle was built as a Prize Castle when Tokugawa Ieyasu awarded the surrounding lands to Ii Naomasa (Ii Naomasa was one of Tokugawa's seven great generals) after the battle of Sekigahara. Originally Tokugawa awarded Ii Sawayama a different Castle but Ii didn't like that castle and decided to build a new one. Unfortunately Ii died before construction started and his son Naotsugu started construction of the new castle using a lot of the materials from Sawayama Castle. When Naotsugu's brother Naotaka became lord he finally completed Hikone Castle in 1622, it took almost 20 years to build. The Ii family remained in control of the castle and the area for over 250 years until the Meiji Restoration. When the Meiji Government came to power they siezed all the castles and ordered the destruction of most all castles. Hikone Castle managed to escape destruction when the Emporer himself toured the area and decided to keep Hikone castle intact.

Hikone Castle is one of the twelve original castles in Japan and 1 of only 4 castles in Japan listed as a "National Treasure". The castle is beautiful and so are the grounds and garden. There is also an outstanding museum where you can learn and see lots of history concerning Hikone Castle.
Please visit our Japanese Castles page to find more castles in Japan.
Name: Hikone Castle 彦根城 (Hikone Jyou)
Original Year Built: 1622
Type: Hilltop 丘城城
Class: Medium Sized Castle
Condition: Original
Founder: Ii Naomasa
1603 - Daimyo Ii Naomasa planned to build this castle but died before construction started. Construction started in 1603 after his death.
1622 - Nearly 20 years later the castle was finally completed.
1874 - Castle was decommissioned and placed under the Emperor's holding after the Meiji Restoration.
1957 - Restoration began on the castle.
1987 - Palce rebuilt and houses a museum which teaches about Hikone Castle and the Ii Clan.


Closest Train Station: Hikoneserikawa
1-1 Konkicho Hikone
Shiga 522-0061 Japan
Tel: 749-22-2742
Walk: a 15 min. walk from Hikone Station (Tokaido Honsen).
Hotels & Lodging

View a full list of Hotels and Lodging in or nearby Hikone Castle.
Hours & Fees

Hours: Open daily from 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Information presented is based on the time it was created. There may be changes since publication. Please confirm information by visiting the Official Website before visiting.

Website: Hikone Castle Homepage