
Attractions > Kyoto > Shrines Temples > Kyoto North

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Morning Enkoji in Autumn by Norio NAKAYAMA (CC BY-SA 2.0) on SnapJapan.com
Morning Enkoji in Autumn by Norio NAKAYAMA (CC BY-SA 2.0) on SnapJapan.com



Enko-Ji by ttshr1970 (CC BY 3.0)

Enkoji Temple is a Zen Buddhist temple of the Rinzai sect. It was founded in 1601 by Tokugawa Ieyasu a famous Shogun during the Edo period. Enkoji is close to the Shugakuin Imperial Villa and is famous for it's fall colors (see images) although in the summer the green garden is also very lush and beautiful while the winter months may bring snow which even still is quite beautiful. There are many maple trees in the garden along with a pond. There is a short trail that starts off from behind the garden that leads up the hill where you can get a full view of Enkoji temple.



Closest Train Station: Ichijoji

13 Ichijoji Kotanicho
Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8147 Japan

Tel: 075-781-8025

Bus: (easiest method) Take Kyoto city bus #5 from Kyoto station to the Ichijoji Sagarimatsucho (一乗寺下り松町) bus stop. It takes about 50 min. on the bus. From the bus stop it is a about a 10-15 min. walk.

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Hotels & Lodging

View a full list of Hotels and Lodging in or nearby Enko-Ji.


Hours & Fees

Hours: The grounds of Shrines and Temples are generally open 27/7, 365 days a year but, many set their own hours. If hours are set, they are generally open from 9:00 a.m. or 10:00 a.m. in the morning and close around 4:30 p.m. or 5:00 p.m. in the evening.

Cost: The general grounds of Shrines and Temples are free but may charge a small fee (a couple/few hundred yen) for special gardens, exhibitions, artifact viewing, etc.

Information presented is based on the time it was created. There may be changes since publication. Please confirm information by visiting the Official Website before visiting.



Website: Enko-Ji Homepage

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