Boso No Mura

Attractions > Other Cities and Areas > Theme Parks > Chiba
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Japanese old traditional town, Boso No Mura in Chiba Prefecture

Boso No Mura is a Theme Park that reproduces a Japanese scenery, traditional local lifestyle and crafts from 150 years ago during the Boso / Edo area (including the Narita Airport area), 1603-1867. There are Samurai residences, and farmhouses, merchant houses and other buildings. At Boso No Mura you can see and experience first-hand various types of Japanese culture such as traditional crafts and events that have been passed down through the generations. At some of the shops visitors can participate in traditional papermaking, blacksmithing and the tea ceremony or try on a Japanese armor. Or, you can head out to a field and participate in crop harvesting and bamboo craft making (depending on the season). There is also a museum that features exhibits from the primitive era to the present.

Surrounding the Boso No Mura there is a public park with dozens of "Burial Mounds" from the Kofun Period (300 - 538 AD). Nearbye (in the same park) is an archaeolagical museum that houses and displays some of the artifacts that were excavated around the Chiba Prefecture. Furthermore, the museum also has reconstructed som "Pit Houses" from the Jomon Period (13,000 - 300 BC) and a couple residential houses from the Edo Period with a schoolhouse from the Meiji Period.

Boso No Mura is a great place to experience the feeling of "Old Japan". If your an American, these places are kind of like the "Western Towns" in Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado. There is a similar place like this on the West side of Tokyo called, the "Edo Tokyo Open Air Architectural Museum". If your staying in the Shinjuku, Shibuya side of town (i.e. the "Western" side of Tokyo) it may be a better option.


Closest Train Station: Narita
Ryukakuji 1028
Inba District, Sakae, Chiba 270-1506 Japan
Tel: 476-95-3333
Please take a bus from the JR Narita Station on the JR Narita Line. Take the "Ryukakuji-dai-shako" bus for about 20 minutes and get off at "Ryukakuji-dai-2-chome." From there walk about 8 minutes. ※There are 1-2 buses going in either direction every hour.
Hotels & Lodging

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Hours & Fees

Hours: 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Closed: Monday (Tuesday if Monday is Holiday)
Cost: Adult 300 yen, 0-14 & 65+ free, 15-22 150 yen
Information presented is based on the time it was created. There may be changes since publication. Please confirm information by visiting the Official Website before visiting.

Website: Boso No Mura Homepage