Why I love Japan

Activity > Not area specific > Culture
Once you leave your "Home Country" whether it be the US, England, Australia, China or anywhere (All having great things themselves!), you change in a big way. I'm sorry to say this, but those who have never lived outside their own country... just don't get it. I think everyone in the world should have the chance or should make it a priority to "move out", to wherever and not only experience the culture and lifestyle of another place but to be able to look at their own country from the outside.
People are extremely "patriotic" and that is a great thing, to love your own people and country, but lets not forget that little piece of dirt you stand on is just that place where you "happened" to be born and raised. You could have just as well of been born in Madagascar or Iceland... then, you would have been patriotic there. Furthermore this planet is yours. Sure, humans draw imaginary lines and defend those lines with guns and laws but in reality... this life, this planet is your home... why not try to enjoy everything it has to offer, you only live once baby! Quit your job... whether your a Walmart worker or Lawyer and move to Crete! Drink some wine... lay on the beach... take up a job there. Move to Moscow, Perth or Fukuoka... there is so much wonder to be seen! One of my favorite quotes is from Gandhi, "Live your life like your going to die tomorrow but learn like your will live forever."
Yes, I love my "Home Country" too. I love getting in my old 70's car and driving for hours across the land. I love the feeling of "freedom" I get and that I can really do whatever I want to do if I put my mind to it. I love the entrepreneur spirit I see in little Mom and Pop shops lining the streets and little American towns with green parks and ice cream shops along the streets. However, I also love other places. I have lived in many and I could go on about the things I adore in each but this post is specifically about Japan and why I love Japan.

Yamanote Line loop train
Buy a ticket, the train comes along at the exact time it should, hop on, find a seat, put your earphones in, put your head back and .... relax. Even better yet, the "Green Car". I live outside of Tokyo, the "burbs" and do not have to ride the crowded trains all the time. However, I do have to ride into Tokyo on a "Limited Express" and every time I do that I'll kick in the extra 900 yen to ride the Green Car, its well worth it! In the green car you get your own reclining seat facing forward. There is a tray to can pull down and work on your computer while you go to work. I usually don't get much work done on the way to Tokyo though. By the time Windows launches and the train is rolling... I usually have my sunglasses on and I'm asleep.

A type of Nabe
Well, this is obvious. Within the last decade, Japanese food has hit the world by storm. Yes, of course sushi but more than that things such as Ramen, Sukiyaki, Tempura and Soba have all started to take off. There are many "authentic" Japanese restaurants in the US (I can only speak from an Americans point of view), but most are not... too bad. However, the best Japanese food is of course in Japan. NOT at the tourist spots!! Actually... I don't want to really tell my best spots! LOL but... my favorite place in general is the area around Yurakucho. Its not just the "taste" of the food, its also the ingredients. The vegetables... Oh the vegetables! The vegetables actually have taste!

People socializing at a restaurant
Well... what can I say... its a strange relationship between Americans and Japanese. It really wasn't that long ago that we were killing each other in a brutal war. And yet, today... we are best of Allies and trading partners. There is a LOT of history between America and Japan (even of course before WW2), and I'm sure there will be lots to come. Anyways... enough of the philosophical stuff (for now), some of my best friends are Japanese and it seems we really hit it off on a "core" level. I'm talking "work ethic", "perfection ethic", "cleanliness ethic", etc. Why is America, Germany and Japan the top of the food chain? Well, because for some reason our "core" habits are in line. We have our differences that's for sure but we also have our similarities... I guess that's why on a personal level we hit it off so well too.