Things I don't like about Japan

Activity > Not area specific > Culture
I know I may get a lot of flak from this but honestly... no matter what "it" is, there are always good and bad "things" about it. I really love Japan, the "good things" far out-weigh the "bad things" but just for the sake of it I would like to state some things I don't like. I've been in Japan many years and no... I have no intention of "changing" anything... I either just deal with it or find ways to navigate around them. I don't want to become one of those grumpy old foreigners who by the time they leave (if they leave) they end up hating the Japan they initial loved. Heck, there are plenty of things I can complain about my home country the good 'ol USA but since this is an "About Japan" site, I'll keep it topical. So... here are my top three... I have a few more but maybe later on:

Young but no experience
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being young, its a great time! "Free wheeling", speaking your mind and just plain having fun is great! BUT... they are also inexperienced, naive and many a bit "light headed" if you ask me.... To the point when you get over 30 and see this crap you shake your head and just say... "stupid". The idols are young... and totally inexperienced with... no talent. Many of the TV "Hosts" or "Panels" are early 20's... are you kidding me? I need some experience baby! Some real grit! Sure its nice to look at pretty young faces but... I can look at pretty young faces anywhere. If I need some real news, some real talent or some real thought put into something give me an adult!

Standing Sucks
Standing on the train
I know... I know... this can't be avoided and if I don't like it get out of Tokyo... I get it. I guess I'm into self-punishment. I just wish the Tokyo trains weren't so packed. It would be nice to sit down every once in a while! And... if a seat becomes free, being the nice gentleman I am... I have to give it up to a female! AAAaaag! Its so hard after a long day of meetings or walking around Tokyo all day to stand an hour on the train! The need some kind of harness that drops from the ceiling that you can hook yourself into and just hang.

Variety TV gets old, fast
This over-laps with the first "Young-ness", thing. OMG, the variety shows are so stupid and worse than that... the same exact hundred or so talent have been on TV for ages! Absolutely anything is funny... especially if its stupid. The high school girl "Live Audience" laughs their poor little naive hearts out. "Ok... that sucks... change the channel" and... same thing, same talent. Guys in school girl outfits, guys hitting everyone over the head with red hammers and guys rolling around in mud... All I can do is shake my head. So... actually the first year I lived in Japan I was eating this stuff up but soon realized, "what the heck is this crap!?" it just kept going on and on and on... just so stupid! I then decided to give Japanese dramas a try... LOL. I work my way around this delima either by YouTube, ordering DVD sets or watching lots of movies.