Nanjya Monjya Café

Dining > Yokohama > Other Dining > Yokohama Station
About | Access | Hotels & Lodging | Hours & Fees

Ok, the Nanjya Monjya Café (which means basically "what the heck is this") is a "Treehouse" cafe which is really cool. It's only opened for limited time on Fridays and Saturdays usually with a line of people waiting to get in. The menu is also pretty short... curry, toast and pizza... but, the "atmosphere" is what has made it popular with locals. If you want to regress to childhood nostalgia in your adult years, then this café is what you need.


Closest Train Station: Mitsuzawashimocho
5-55 Mitsuzawa Higashimachi, Yokohama
Kanagawa-ku, Kanagawa 221-0853 Japan
7 minutes walk from Yokohama Municipal Subway Blue Line "Mitsuzawashimocho" station.
Hotels & Lodging

View a full list of Hotels and Lodging in or nearby Nanjya Monjya Café.
Hours & Fees

Hours: Mon-Sat: 12:00 - 17:30; Sunday Closed
Information presented is based on the time it was created. There may be changes since publication. Please confirm information by visiting the Official Website before visiting.

Website: Nanjya Monjya Café Homepage