Takigi Noh in Kyoto
Near: Kyoto East
Event Date(s):
May. 31, 2025 • Jun. 1, 2025
Dates are subject to change without notice. Check with the official organizers before making travel arrangements.

The "Bonfire Noh" Bonfire Noh (in Japanese: "Takigi Noh" 薪能) event is extremely poplular to please buy tickets early and show up early. The Noh musical theater is performed at night in the light of burning torches at the Heian Jingu Shrine (in Japanese: "Heian Jingu" 平安神宮). Performing this Noh theater in the magnificant Heian Jingu Shrine is an event you will never forget. Tickets run about 4,000 Yen (purchase in advance) or 5,000 yen at the gate but it's first come first serve (tickets and seating) so as mentioned previously please show up early as this event is very popular with the older Japanese folk.

Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8341 Japan

Website: Takigi Noh in Kyoto Homepage