Sumidagawa Fireworks Festival

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Near: Asakusa  (Event is Free)

Event Date(s): Jul. 10, 2025
Dates are subject to change without notice. Check with the official organizers before making travel arrangements.

Sumidagawa Fireworks: wikipedia-ja

Ok, if your going to enjoy this absolutely amazing fireworks show either be prepared to enjoy it with millions of others (and take it easy) or have a nice window seat from your hotel room! It seems that almost half the population of Tokyo is out and about in a festive mood to enjoy the Sumidagawa Fireworks Festival.  It started sometime during the "Edo Era" when people wanted to get out in the cool night air and enjoy some fireworks.  There are actual two separate locations where fireworks are shot off (see below AND the map to the right). Best to head down VERY early if you want an optimal seat/place to see the fireworks.  Just get of at Asakusa station and then head down to the river and find a nice spot along the bank... then don't move!  Plan on making a day/night of it taking a backpack filled with drinks and food.

Sumidagawa Fireworks: wikipedia-ja

Venue No #1: from downstream of Sakurabashi Bridge to upstream of Kototoibashi Bridge
Venue No #2: from downstream of Komagatabashi Bridge to upstream of Umayabashi Bridge

Sumidagawa Fireworks: Event Map

7 Chome-1 Asakusa
Taito-ku, Tokyo 111-0032 Japan

Google Map

Website: Sumidagawa Fireworks Festival Homepage

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