Healing Water Festival
Near: Nara (Event is Free)
Event Date(s):
Mar. 10, 2025
Dates are subject to change without notice. Check with the official organizers before making travel arrangements.
This festival actually runs 14 days from March 1st to the 14th. However the Main Event is around March 13th which is (literally translated) "Get the Healing Water" day (in Japanese; O Mizu Tori, お水取り). The festival is held at Todai Ji Temple which is famous for is huge statue of Buddha. The priests at the temple confess their sins and pray for peace and a rich harvest for these 14 days. This event goes back over a thousand years!
On the 13th, water (the Healing Water) is drawn up from the spring in front of the temple building and offered to the Buddhist deities. This healing water is very powerful and is said to heal disease. There is also another "Main Event" called the Otaimatsu in which priests hold massive torches and run around Nigatsu Do. If your hit by one of the sparks, you will be protected from all things evil.
406-1 Zoshicho
Nara, Nara 630-8211 Japan
Website: Healing Water Festival Homepage