Hana Matsuri

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Event Date(s): Apr. 7, 2025
Dates are subject to change without notice. Check with the official organizers before making travel arrangements.

Floral Festival near All Japan, category - Festivals

The Birth of Buddha is celebrated on April 8th with the Japanase Hana Matsuri or Japanese Flower Festival. Formally this festival is know as "Kanbutsue" (灌仏会). To celebrate the Birth of Buddha, small little buildings made at temples are decorated with flowers and miniature Buddha figures are put inside. Once inside, the figure is splashed and sprinked with tea using a ladle. Some believe that the water will become Holy Water. This festival happens all over Japan.

The Birth of Buddha is celebrated on April 8th with the Japanase "Flower Festival" (in Japanese; "Hana Matsuri" 花祭り). Formally this festival is know as "Kanbutsue" (灌仏会). To celebrate the Birth of Buddha, small little buildings made at temples are decorated with flowers and miniature Buddha figures are put inside. Once inside, the figure is splashed and sprinked with tea using a ladle. Some believe that the water will become Holy Water. This festival happens all over Japan.

Upcoming Events in Japan

Torch the Floats Festival near Kyoto, category - Festivals

Sagicho Matsuri

in or near Kanazawa

Thu. Mar. 27
Event is free
Torch the Floats Festival near Kyoto, category - Festivals

Sagicho Matsuri

in or near Kanazawa

Fri. Mar. 28
Event is free
Floral Festival near All Japan, category - Festivals

Hana Matsuri

in or near

Mon. Apr. 7
Event is free

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