Drinking by yourself

Activity > Tokyo > Eating > Shinjuku

Ramen and other shops in an alley near Shinjuku station

(English follows Japanese) 下町の小道、コソコソ一人でやきとり屋入って、一番むこうの席に座れ〜 まずはビールで、焼いた鳥やレバーや野菜や...酎ハイが並んで来て、グラスの底にある氷を眺めならがら...去年の寂しいことを思い出しながら、ピーチ酎ハイの代わりに涙酎ハイになった〜 

In Japan they have a special word for "sitting by yourself and drinking" (Yeah... its 5 words in English, 1 in Japanese), that word is "Tejyaku" (手酌). Some folks may feel this is a strange thing to do or even feel a little shy about doing it but, its an interesting concept.  I was walking around Tokyo taking some pictures... I love to take pictures... I hit many cities in one day (although I would prefer to spend more time in each, just didn't have time this time) and by the time I reached Shinjuku it was getting on evening.  I strolled the typical main street and then down to Kabukicho and then headed back up to the station. Near the station there are a few streets, well... ally's, that are REALLY "Downtown Tokyo'ish".  Yes, you can find these kinds of streets in many places but of course depending on the city/town, each has its own feeling.  Shinjuku is Tokyo's biggest city... its a concreate jungle! However, if you know where to go, you can find excellent food, nice people and quiet little joints to hang out at.

I strolled down an ally I know well... actually I planned on just taking a few pictures and head home but how in the heck can one head home smelling all that Yakitori on the grill!  "Ok... ok... I'll just have a few and head home"... yeah... right. I ducked into one of the shops and took a seat in the very back, "Irrasshai!!" Ordered up a few Yakitori's, some liver and some vegies.  The water was refreshing but... how can one eat Yakitori without beer? "Biiru Kudasai!" I yelled out and a large cold beer was slopped down in front of me. "Where are you from?" the Yakitori cooker asked me (in Japanese).  We chatted a bit and before I knew it, I has one of my favorite drinks in hand, a Peach Chuuhai. 

The Yakitori shop started to get full with people so the Yakitori cook was busy with other customers leaving me to myself in the back of the shop... gazing about at the other people, sitting... thinking... remembering its close to the one year anniversary of my mom's passing... Tejyaku...


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