The Day I Climbed Mount Fuji

Activity > Yokohama > Adventure > Yokohama Station

The day I climbed Mount Fuji, I woke up before sunrise just to make sure everything was complete. I wouldn't deny that I am a bit obsessive-compulsive about certain things and hardly adventurous. In fact, I wasn't entirely sold on the whole trip.

It started out when Naoko brought up the idea of trekking up one of Japan's most popular tourist spots one time during a round of drinks at a local bar. Ever since she was engaged to her boyfriend of three years, she had been in a hurry to fulfill a long list of things she wanted to do before settling down. For someone who had lived all her life in Japan, I was a bit surprised that she hadn't climbed Mount Fuji at all.
Being the great friends that we are, we decided to indulge Naoko on this crazy scheme to tick off all the items on her absurdly long checklist before wedding gown fittings and such took up her time.
Of course, I was in charge of the preparations for the supplies and such. I had even prepared the routes and called the mountain huts ahead of time before we began our ascent. From what I understood, things could get a little cramped during the climbing season and I had no plans of getting stuck out in the cold while waiting for my body to acclimatize to the altitude.
I shoved my feet into the new hiking shoes I bought for the occasion. I had spent hours looking for the perfect shoes that would protect my ankles as we make our way through the rougher patches of the trail. Of course, they also had to be pink.
I grabbed a little snack before I travelled to the Fujiyoshida Sengen Shrine, where our chosen trail was supposed to begin. Naoko and the rest were going to head up directly to the Yoshida Fifth Station but the shrine used to be a common spot for praying before beginning the climb. I figured I needed all the help I could get if I was to ever survive this climb. Oh, the things we do for our friends!
The way to the shrine was lined by stone lamps and shaded by tall cypress trees. I have always loved the feeling of mystery and tranquility that seemed to be inherent in Japanese shrines and the Fujiyoshida Sengen Shrine did not disappoint. I passed by the red painted buildings, briefly stopping in the main hall, and continued on to the large tori gate which led to the start of the Yoshida trail.
I had to start a bit earlier than my friends because I planned to hike all the way up to the Fifth Station. The others wanted to take the bus from Kawaguchiko and meet up with me in the Fifth Station.
I sighed as I hefted my backpack and began walking down the trail. We had opted for the most popular choice and since it was the first week of August, there were a lot of climbers and tourists. At least I wouldn't be alone during the trek to the Station to meet up with my friends.
The other climbers were friendly enough and I soon began to warm up to them. They shared a lot of jokes and stories. We even sang songs as we made our way to the Fifth Station.
I caught sight of Nanami, Naoko, and Sayuri waving at me from the bus stop and with a quick nod to my new friends, I caught up with the girls. Almost immediately, I began inventorying the things we would need for the climb while Nanami laughed.
"Not funny," I told her. "Things get pricier as we go higher, you know. Besides, Naoko-chan needs all the extra money to make her wedding super fabulous, ne Naoko-chan?"
Naoko laughed and nodded in agreement. We stocked up on snacks and water bottles. We decided we would try to hike all the way up to the Eighth Station if we could and spend the night there. If things didn't turn out as well as we hoped, we could always stop at the Seventh Station and regroup for the night before making our way to the summit by sunrise.
In the end, we made it as far as the Eighth Station. I met some of the new friends I made along the trail and introduced them to the girls. We decided to spend the night in one of the mountain huts that littered the area and despite the cramped quarters, I found the camaraderie quite enjoyable.
We got up early and made our way up to the summit. We were slower this time because it was still a bit dark when we started and there were a few narrow paths when our group was funneled into but we made it in time to see the sunrise on the summit.
We just sat there, the four of us girls, as we enjoyed the nippy air and the splendor of watching the sun rise from the summit of Mount Fuji.
"Hmm, best girl bonding ever!" Sayuri murmured.
Naoko laughed and gathered all of us into a group hug. "You guys are the best bunch of friends any bride-to-be would be lucky to have."
I smiled at her. "Well, at least you managed to check off bungee jumping on your own. In that case, list or no list, friend or no friend, self-preservation will win over you."
We dissolved into a fit of giggles and sat there in the comfort of each other's company. The day I climbed Mount Fuji, we not only managed to tick off another item on Naoko's checklist, we made memories and new friends that was well worth the effort it took to get to the summit. I guess the real prize was not getting to see the sunrise at the peak, it was the experience itself.