Why I love to sleep on a futon

Activity > Not area specific > Culture

I grew up in America, New York (half upper state, half in the city). My family is 100% American... well, mostly from Italy but that was way back. Until I was 19, I never considered living in an over-seas "foreign" country... until... I stumbled upon "Anime". NOTE! I am NOT an Anime freak! I just thought it was cool, interesting and checked it out a bit. While "checking out" Anime, I also started learning about Japan. It wasn't long before I wanted to visit, if not possible live in Japan. So... time went by... another story and a year and a half later I found myself living in Tokyo. I have stories and opinions galore but for this post I want to focus on why I fell in love with sleeping on a futon!

Japanese Futon
Futon at a Ryokan

Firm yet Soft and Comfy

I've never been one of those people who like a soft fluffy bed, I prefer a "firm" place to sleep and a futon really covers that. Actually if you are too careful you can get a futon that has very little padding and is too hard! You'll wake up with a stuff back in the morning. You can't jump up and down on a futon and have a pillow fight though LOL especially in Japan because most likely your living in a "Mansion" (apartment) and the person below won't appreciate it much.

Futons are comfortable
Futon ready to be slept in

Sprawl Ability

That's right, "sprawl". I'm a guy that moves around a lot when I sleep. I'm sure it bothers my Japanese girlfriend but... I'm just restless. I roll this way and that, spread my arms out, throw my legs left and right... with a bed I'll either roll off or my limbs are always hanging off the side. With a Japanese futon, no problem. Usually Japanese futons are pretty big (width and height) so I have plenty of room to roll and even if I do throw a limb off the edge, it's only a couple inches to the floor.

Futons are warm in the winter
So warm in the winter

Feeling of "Comfy"

Actually I can't explain this one but there is nothing like visiting my girlfriends parents house out in the country and crawling into a nice warm futon in the winter. I guess... its "close" to the feeling I get when I would visit my grandparents house and the snow falling hard outside but... for some reason I prefer the "Comfyness" of a futon over than warm bed. That bed was a single and I felt kinda "locked in" (didn't have the "sprawl" factor), maybe that's it. I really can't explain it! Am I strange? Are there other people who have adopted the futon as their preferred method? Its funny how many Japanese prefer a bed... interesting... maybe it doesn't have anything to do with from where you come from but just how your body feels about it... will have to do some more thinking.

Submitted by anonymous

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