Sagicho Matsuri
Near: Kanazawa (Event is Free)
Event Date(s):
Mar. 27, 2025 • Mar. 28, 2025
(Last Saturday and Sunday of February)
Dates are subject to change without notice. Check with the official organizers before making travel arrangements.

This is a wild festival in which men dress up in wild costumes wearing make-up and dance around as floats are toched and set ablaze! The "Torching" usually takes place later in the evening but sometimes the people are so excited they start torching them earlier and then start dancing around them. The festival is called "Float Festival" (in Japanese; "Sagicho Matsuri" 左義長まつり). A "Float" is usually a 2-3 meter high wood and straw aparatus which on top is a bamboo pole and lots of red strips of paper. We say "usually" because every town comes up with all kinds of wild ideas to make these floats and especially make them to burn baby burn! The day starts with the groups of float makers and their floats at Himure Hachimangu Shrine (日牟禮八幡宮). It is here where the floats are judged to determine the best. Then a parade starts (some drinking...) with people yelling out in Japanese "Cho yare, yare yare! The festival is held near Katsuyama Station on the banks of the Kazuryu River. The closest major city is Fukui, here is a Map for reference.

Omihachiman, Shiga 523-0828 Japan

Website: Sagicho Matsuri Homepage