Jidai Matsuri
Near: Kyoto East (Event is Free)
Event Date(s):
Oct. 21, 2025
Dates are subject to change without notice. Check with the official organizers before making travel arrangements.
The "Era Festival" (in Japanese; Jidai Matsuri 時代祭) is held by and at the Heian Jingu Shrine. This "Jidai Matsuri" is one of the three largest festivals of Kyoto and an ideal festival for overseas visitors wishing to learn more about Japan and to see the chronological changes in Japanese costumes and customs. The "Main Event" is a long parade of people, over 2000, dressed in period costumes representing many different eras of Kyoto's long history. They parade through the city about 4 kilometers till they reach Heian Jingu Shrine. There are so many people in the parade it can take over an hour for the full parade to pass you by in one spot. They also have other demonstrations such as sword masters and firearm demontrations.
Since the parade takes place in Kyoto, its a great time to experience the "atmosphere" of eras gone by. Getting there:
1.) from Kyoto Station take either the Karasuma Line or Tozai Line to Higashiyama (about 12 min.)
2.) from Higashiyama Station it is about a 10min. walk to Heian Jingu Shrine
Kyoto, Kyoto 606-8341 Japan
Website: Jidai Matsuri Homepage