3 Favorite Places Around Shinjuku

Activity > Tokyo > Sightseeing > Shinjuku

I thought I'd start off with a "smaller" scale area (although Shinjuku is a massive city) and list my 3 favorite spots around Shinjuku in Tokyo. Millions of people pass through Shinjuku every day and the place is extremely dynamic. Although it's a huge city with an ever moving people, no matter what time I show up there, I actually feel... safe. Yep, safe! I'm sure there's some crime going on somewhere (most likely involving the under-world and unpaid bills for women) but as for being "randomly" mugged or something like that, I have no fear and even if I did get mugged in Japan it wouldn't involve a gun so loose a little cash and on my way!

Shinjuku has a little of... EVERYTHING! Whether it be food, entertainment or shopping you can find it here. I don't go there too often (as there are so many other places depending on what my "goal" is) but every once in a while it's fun to hit the biggest city in Tokyo for shopping, eating or getting plastered.

Walking down to the Kabukicho Area
Walking down to Kabukicho

Kabukicho Area

Yeah... this is the nitty gritty down here from small "older" eateries (picture) to sex shops and first run stage theater. Kabukicho is totally different in the day than night. I've been down there in the day a couple times and it seems like just a normal... slow moving concrete jungle but at night... oh boy! At night you have your businessmen, hostesses, Under-world types and all between. As a foreigner expect to be approached by a drunk Japanese businessman trying to practice his English... go ahead, give him some fun :) maybe they'll buy you a drink too!

Near Shinjuku Station
Near Shinjuku Station

Near the Station

Yep, no real "destination" here but... I'm a people watcher. I can go to Shinjuku, step outside the station, pick a spot to chill sit or standing and just watch all the people go about their... "whatever" tasks. Trying to listen in on conversations can be quite interesting too! Well.... heck, it's a public spot LOL not like I'm "bugging" them or anything. I've see romantic kissing, fighting, drunk people pass out, "selling" tickets of some sort, just a group of girls chatting (for over an hour in front of the station), buskers, Police running here and there... if it's "people" related, this is where you'll see it. If you're a story teller, comedian, etc. great place to pick up some material!

North of Shinjuku Station
North of Shinjuku Station

North Station Area

"South" of the station is a newly built up "trendy" area (with big high walkways, department stores and "fashion" stores) but north, near the tracks you'll find some real Black Rain (a 1989 Hollywood Film) locations. It's around here many Hollywood movies get the "image" of Tokyo with it's mix of old and new, grungy and spotless. I love it down there and tend to get some food somewhere at one of the small joints... never go to the same place twice as there are so many but they all tend to be pretty good. Best to hit this part of Shinjuku in the night too... if you want the "Black Rain" feeling as it tends to pick up and be lively during the night hours although during the day it is packed with businessmen/women too.

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